Igs: The term ‘igs’ stands for ‘I Guess So’. It is often used to convey a sense of reluctant agreement or acceptance with a hint of uncertainty or lack of enthusiasm.
What does ‘igs’ mean in texting?
In texting, ‘igs’ is a shorthand way to express agreement without much enthusiasm. It suggests that the sender is somewhat indifferent, not entirely convinced, or only passively agreeing. It’s a casual, informal way of saying “I suppose” or “probably,” indicating a lack of strong feelings or commitment towards the statement or question at hand.
What does ‘igs’ mean on Instagram?
On Instagram, ‘igs’ might appear in comments or messages, carrying a similar meaning as in texting. It could be used in response to a post, story, or a direct message, suggesting a mild, non-committal agreement. For example, if someone asks for an opinion on a particular post or a story, replying with ‘igs’ indicates a passive acknowledgment without strong approval or disapproval.
What does ‘igs’ mean on Snapchat?
In the context of Snapchat, ‘igs’ serves as a quick, easy response, especially when someone is not too invested in the conversation or when they want to keep their reply brief and non-committal. It could be used in reaction to a snap or a message, signaling a lukewarm agreement or an acceptance that lacks enthusiasm.
Ideas on how to respond to ‘igs’ sent by a boy
When a boy sends ‘igs’, you can respond in a way that acknowledges his lack of strong feelings. You might say something like, “Alright, let me know if you change your mind!” or “No worries, we can decide on something else.” These responses are casual and understanding, keeping the conversation light and open-ended.
Ideas on how to respond to ‘igs’ sent by a girl
If a girl sends ‘igs’, it could be an opportunity to inject some humor or playfulness into the conversation. You could respond with, “Only ‘igs’? I was hoping for an ‘absolutely’!” or “Haha, your enthusiasm is overwhelming 😄.” Such responses can lighten the mood and possibly encourage a more engaged interaction.